EMVCo defines Click to Pay as:
“The EMV Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) Specifications enable a common consumer e-checkout that promotes simplicity, familiarity, interoperability, convenience and trust. |
Consumer-facing solutions and programs based on the EMV SRC Specifications can be described as Click to Pay. This universal description enables ease of recognition for consumers, and signals that a consumer can confidently transact through an easy e-checkout, regardless of the payment card, digital channel or device they use.”
EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and unregistered trademark elsewhere.
The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC.
Connects the issuer’s banking portal/app with the payment networks’ tokenization platforms for the purpose of provisioning a payment card in the format of a payment token to Click to Pay service.
Higher level of security of the cardholder’s data in the online payment is achieved with the network tokenization. Herewith, the Click to Pay Card Push Provisioning service has the role of integrator of the different schemes’ tokenization services like Mastercard´s token connect or Visa´s digital card enrollment Hub (VCEH). This is done via a unified integration interface, helping the issuers to simplify the complexity and reduce the workload.
The issuer enables Click to Pay to find the card art, card meta data and cardholder’s data and defines the authentication methods that should be used in different scenarios.
Enables the card enrollment via the Issuer’s banking app
The online shopper needs to enroll his/her payment card in the Scheme’s SRC system. The enrollment may happen at merchant’s side when the online shopper decides to checkout selecting the Click to Pay button.
In order to be able to provide the Click to Pay service to their online shoppers, merchants and PSPs need to implement in their online payment infrastructure a solution for Click to Pay. Netcetera’s Click to Pay solution consists of two components: Click to Pay Server and Click to Pay SDK.
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