Up close and personal with our Chief Remote Officer

At Netcetera, our people are our priority. We base our processes and ways of working by having in mind the needed work-life balance. Together with our Chief Remote Officer, Dejan Milevski - Dekla, we discussed flexibility, adaptation and achieving balance. We found him at his favorite remote workplace where he enjoys his “me time” and works.


What is your role with Netcetera?

Dekla: Chief Remote Officer. Netcetera is a pioneer in adopting remote work and appointing someone to this specific role. It is essential for us that we have someone dedicated to focus on the flexibility and life balance of Netceterians.

What does the future work-life balance look like?

Dekla: Choose yourself. Stress-free. We care about private lives of our people. Without compromising productivity, we have worked out a model where the individuals themselves shape their day. Carl Lewis, the famous US athlete believed that by giving 80% of yourself but continuously, will result in better effects on a long run, with 100% you’ll burn out quickly.

The internal code name for our Flexible Work is “Work Anywhere”, what does it mean?

Dekla: Work Anywhere is Netcetera’s clear commitment to provide all its employees with the greatest feasible flexibility in their choice of workplace. With no contractual entitlement, Work Anywhere is always and repeatedly negotiated between the employee and their team leader. In particular, the demands and needs of the team, the customers, and the legal and administrative requirements must be taken into consideration in a balanced manner.

Is this a temporary solution only?

Dekla: This is the best part. At Netcetera, we have decided that the hybrid work style is here to stay. We will not go back. Striving towards the most feasible flexibility, we will adopt and uphold this way of working in the future. The office will, of course, remain the place for meetups, exchange, share and face-to-face communication.

What are the opportunities this Flexible Work opens?

Dekla: This hybrid way of working respects the most important – the personal preferences of our people, while improving the productivity and contentment at work.

Do you see any drawbacks?

Dekla: No drawbacks, we trust our people.  This has only made us stronger, it proved that Netceterians are at the top of their game working from their homes, office, relax places, co-working spaces, cafés, weekend homes etc. Work is what you do, not something you come to the office for.

Would you say that remote work influences the values and culture of employees worldwide?

Dekla: We reached a growth in size of about 30% in the last two years, and we constantly work on finding solutions to get Netceterians closer to each other in such an international setup as ours. Culture Is a key value driver in bringing people closer, so two years ago, we invited every Netceterian to voice their opinion, and together we chose to integrate these key values: coaching and mentoring, continuous improvement, global thinking, innovation and trust in our daily work on multiple levels.

What are the trends?

Dekla: I would say borderless communities that stimulate learning and sharing knowledge even more.  Nomad way of working and living. I would strongly advise that countries are welcoming and motivating, leaving the conservative standards behind.



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