Netcetera 3-D Secure Issuer Service – G+D Netcetera operates a PCI-DSS and PCI-3DS certified 3-D Secure Issuer Service with a state-of-the-art Access Control Server (ACS) as a core component used by banks and card issuers worldwide. The highly flexible and configurable technology developed in-house enables meeting almost any EMV® 3-D Secure use case.
Click to Pay is an online one-click checkout solution that allows consumers to confidently transact through an easy e-checkout, regardless of the payment card, digital channel, or device they use. Based on the EMV Secure Remote Commerce (SRC) global standard, Click to Pay works with the major card networks.
3DS Server - The 1st in Europe and 2nd in the world EMVCo-approved product, compliant with EMV® 3DS 2.x protocol and card networks’ EMV® 3DS 2.x programs. It reduces the risk of non-authenticated transactions, associated refunds, and lost revenue while establishing convenient EMV® 3DS transactions for the customers.
ToPay Mobile Wallet – G+D Netcetera’s ready-made app, available on Android and iOS and compatible with global card networks Visa and Mastercard, enables fast time to market. With its toolbox approach, G+D Netcetera’s clients can select the needed modules and features without worrying if the internal development capacities are sufficient to develop an app or start a lengthy and costly project with a third-party provider to develop a mobile solution from scratch. G+D Netcetera’s team of experts handles the whole development process from UX design to go-live.
The report was prepared according to the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3402 issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAAS), with a timeframe from January to December 2024.
EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC.