Smart Mobility

Simply travel: Your one-stop-shop
for a seamless and sustainable journey

Social and technological trends are rapidly and sustainably changing the mobility market. The sharing economy, digital booking platforms, high availability of means of transport, quick and easy trip planning, access to real-time passenger information or tickets with one tap on your smartphone: changing customer demands require highly customized, flexible, mobility services. At the same time, the increasing importance of sustainability and environmental protection brings new challenges for all stakeholders.

For more than 15 years, we have been supporting mobility service providers and forward-looking companies with our experience in developing digital products and platforms for the mobility of tomorrow.

Our products cover the entire travel cycle and offer the various players in the mobility market innovative solutions such as multi-modal travel routing taking both costs and environmental factors into account, tickets on the credit card, modern passenger information systems, and customized solutions.

Tailored Mobility

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Mobility service provider

Digitized solutions and core services are critical for mobility service providers to differentiate and better understand their customers.

  • Digitization of public transport stops
  • Combining passenger information, routes, and ticketing for a fully digital passenger experience


The mobility platform enables modern mobility concepts for companies. It covers the entire travel process: from planning, ticketing, and passenger information before and during the trip to arrival - billing, and feedback.

  • A single multimodal travel planning and booking platform for companies and their employees
  • Can be integrated into the corporate software ecosystem, the platform simplifies and streamlines administrative processes relieves manual work

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Our Technologies

Multimodal routing

Unique SaaS platform using multimodal, door-to-door routing - multi-patented.

Passenger information

Real-time public transport information. Fast and location-independent information on timetables, disruptions, capacity utilization and much more.


Paperless tickets: from one-way tickets, day tickets to mobile, multi-trip tickets, monthly tickets, and annual subscriptions.

Tailor-made software

We integrate in-depth technical knowledge and business expertise for reliable, customized software solutions that meet needs of all customers.

“Transportation is responsible for one-third of all CO2 emissions, but most companies are unaware of their impact. Here’s why it matters.”

Oliver Aeschlimann, Portfolio Owner Smart Mobility

"In recent years the modal split share for public transport has remained relatively unchanged. To ignite its growth, I’ll show you why it’s important to embrace micro-mobility to enable a multimodal travel experience."

Oliver Aeschlimann, Portfolio Owner Smart Mobility

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