Simplifying mobile contactless payment

Using biometrics to pay with smartphone

We have implemented one of the first independent solutions for contactless payment in Switzerland. It offers card issuers the opportunity to supplement their own apps with a globally standardized and certified mobile payment module. Thanks to biometrics, customers pay simply, quickly and securely with their smartphones. The solution is based on our product ToPay Cloud Payment and is just as convenient as the mobile payment offers of the smartphone manufacturers.

In Swiss retail you can pay at around 85,000 terminals via NFC (Near Field Communication) and 40% of consumers already use this option today via contactless card. The further development towards mobile payment with smartphones or wearables is accelerating this trend. Netcetera's digital payment solution ToPay Cloud Payment enables users to pay worldwide and at all common terminals with the Android smartphone. For customers it is simple, safe and extremely fast. They pay at the checkout via NFC by holding their smartphone to the terminal and authenticating themselves with fingerprint. It is no longer necessary to enter a PIN at the terminal.

Netcetera sets new standards in user-friendliness for payment with Issuer and Bank apps. The use of biometrics enables fingerprint authentication and payment is as convenient as with the mobile payment offers of smartphone manufacturers. The big advantage: the solution is independent and can be integrated into existing apps for rapid customer acceptance.

Secure payment with the familiar app

Netcetera offers a Mobile Payment Module for all card issuers based on internationally recognized credit and debit card standards. This simplifies the implementation of a digital payment solution for banks and merchants because they can integrate this module efficiently into their own mobile banking apps and "bank pays". The customer pays with the familiar app of their bank or credit card provider. In addition, the bank retains the interface to the customer and can thus reach them with further payment services.

Viseca Card Services SA, one of Switzerland's largest payment card issuers, is the first card issuer to integrate the payment module directly into its existing VisecaOne app. Viseca customers of Freiburger Kantonalbank and Bancque Cantonale du Jura now have access to the mobile payment functions.

Contactless payment with the smartphone is particularly secure, is subject to the high requirements of credit card providers and continuously audited by external certification companies. In the ToPay Cloud Payment Module, a token replaces the credit card data and is made available to the app. This means that no data comes into the hands of uncontrollable third party providers. It always remains in the sovereignty of the issuer or the bank.

Netcetera offers this solution for card issuers worldwide. In Switzerland SwissWallet is the distributor. SwissWallet is a joint venture of the Aduno Group, Netcetera and Swisscard with the aim of introducing digital payment solutions in Switzerland. More than 800,000 wallets are currently available for purchase on the platform.


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