Real-time Travel Information for Liechtenstein Bus Anstalt

Wemlin POS from Netcetera makes Bus Travel even more convenient for Liechtensteiners

All Liechtenstein Bus passengers now have reliable information on the exact departure times of their buses at their fingertips. Travelers can view real-time data online or on digital displays at bus stops. They can be sure to be always up-to-date with the real bus operation. This is all made possible thanks to Netcetera’s Wemlin POS.

The Wemlin POS is updated constantly, and displays up-to-the-minute details on the upcoming departure times at bus stops, while the familiar info boards are also dynamically generated online, meaning that bus users can find out bus departure times for any stop using their web browser. The real-time information is especially handy to inform passengers about delays or cancellations. This practical, cost-free service is ideal for web-compatible displays on public property as well as in restaurants and shops. It is also perfect for internal company websites and smartphones.


Real-time bus departure times for Liechtenstein Bus on the web

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