Success factors for artificial intelligence in companies

AI workshop in Liechtenstein

The annual Digital Summit, part of the Digital Liechtenstein initiative, was dedicated to the topic of Artificial Intelligence. The conference for digital decision-makers took place on September 25, 2019 in Vaduz and offered space for intensive exchange in addition to top-class presentations and workshops.

The presentation on AI First, a cooperation between 4Quant and Netcetera, clearly demonstrated the areas in which artificial intelligence is already being used today and the potential that still exists. At first glance, artificial intelligence seems to be the technology for all areas of application. In fact, the successful use of AI depends on various conditions. Based on our many years of experience, we mediate

  • for which applications AI is suitable and where not
  • which preparation steps are necessary
  • how an AI-based project works and how it delivers the best results
  • and how AI can be optimally integrated into the business context.

The workshop presentation can be found on Slideshare:


Your contact for artificial intelligence

Your contact for artificial intelligence

Corsin Decurtins

Chief Technology Officer

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