Free rides with cinema ticket and BLT Tickets App

Wemlin Tickets Promotions-Toolbox - Loyalty program for public transport in Switzerland

As the first customer, the public transport companies TNW and BLT together with the Pathé cinemas licensed the new module from Netcetera’s Wemlin Suite under the label Cine & Ride. This allows the user to redeem two trips in the TNW network via the BLT Tickets app with each cinema ticket. This loyalty program is based on the Wemlin Tickets Promotions Toolbox, which promotes customer loyalty and the digitization of public transport companies in Switzerland.

Since 1 June 2017, a promotion code is being printed on each entrance ticket of one of the Pathé multiplex cinemas in the city of Basel. This code can be scanned with the TNW Tickets app and is then converted to a multi-trip ticket with two journeys within the entire TNW network. The cinema visitor comfortably travels from home and back again with the public transport.

The Promotions Toolbox is a B2B application for transport network partners. Any product from the public transport provider’s portfolio can be used as promotion article. The Toolbox offers the greatest possible flexibility regarding the validity of the article, the promotion duration and how and how often the promotion codes can be redeemed. The distribution system of the partner decides on the subsequent distribution of the promotion, be it at the cash desk, by customer mailing or as an employee fringe benefit.

Stephan Brode, Chief Digital Officer at BLT, says about the Wemlin Promotions Toolbox: "With this ingeniously simple solution, we are implementing a further step in our digitization strategy and will save money by eliminating the paper version of the promotion ticket.”


Scanning the code on the cinema ticket with the BLT Tickets app to retrieve the free rides.
Scanning the code on the cinema ticket with the BLT Tickets app to retrieve the free rides.
The multi-trip ticket with two journeys within the entire TNW network after scanning the code with the TNW Tickets app
The multi-trip ticket with two journeys within the entire TNW network after scanning the code with the TNW Tickets app
Validating and using one of the free rides: The cinema visitor comfortably travels with the public transport.
Validating and using one of the free rides: The cinema visitor comfortably travels with the public transport.

Your contact for this product:

Oliver Aeschlimann

Portfolio Owner Smart Mobility