Acceleration of online payment security

Vietnam Payment Solution Joint Stock Company (VNPAY) is a leading company in the market of Electronic Commerce in Vietnam with the core business of Finance - Banking. VNPAY currently provides e-Commerce services for more than 40 banks, 05 telecommunications companies and nearly 100,000 large and small enterprises. At present, VNPAY develops a service ecosystem for banks, and other payment services, connecting with a large number of merchants on a solid technological basis according to international security standards. With the message "Simplify your life", VNPAY hopes to cooperate with partners, develop utility products and services, change users’ habits, promote e-Commerce expansion.

The challenge:

Reducing the risk of non-authenticated transactions and minimize the associated business disruption and lost revenue. PSPs, merchants and acquirers want to reduce such a risk. Simultaneously, they want to offer a frictionless customer journey and cardholder experience to online shoppers. Finding the balance between security and seamless convenience can be a challenge.

E-commerce payments gateway in Vietnam

VNPAY is implementing the network-certified and PCI-ready Netcetera 3-D Secure Server solution, becoming one of the first established payment service providers in Vietnam to opt for European standards and Swiss quality.


Netcetera’s 3-D Secure Server operates as a SaaS, where the Netcetera team handles key updates and ensures continuity of service. Cooperation with Netcetera is to secure payments and authenticate users using their 3-D Secure Server solution.

Netcetera, a market leader for 3DS and digital payment solutions, offers certified products for 3DS payment processing, and promotes secure and frictionless consumer authentication.


  • Hosted on Netcetera Cloud Payment Platform, using world leading hosting service providers
  • Stable and high-quality 3DS Server solution
  • PCI 3DS and PCI DSS certified product
  • Certified with Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Diners, AMEX, UnionPay
  • Customer support 24/7

Talk to our expert

Hanspeter Jsler

Location Director Singapore

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