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Make it or buy it? Co-create IT!

Co-creation is an alternative to the classic “make or buy” decision. Instead of choosing an off-the-shelf digital product or awarding contract work, a company brings an experienced partner on board. 

Public transport ticket on the bank card

Fast, easy, cashless: Public transport tickets can be directly assigned to one's own bank card, as a current pilot project shows. Partners Netcetera, Abrantix, Baselland Transport, Transports Publics Fribourgeois and Worldline are reshuffling the market with the next generation of user-friendly and sustainable public transport tickets.

Interactive passenger information system

Information for public transport passengers at stops is breaking new ground. Since the beginning of May, SOB has been using an information system that can be adapted to the needs of passengers. 

Path Coordination System for RailNetEurope

Improved trans-European rail scheduling. Netcetera, leading Swiss software company and global IT solutions innovator, has implemented the new Path Coordination System (PCS) for RailNetEurope (RNE). 

Solving disruptions in networks with Machine Learning

How can trains learn to coordinate automatically causing minimal delays in large train networks? We choose Reinforcement Learning, a sub-domain of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, to solve this challenge in the “Flatland” competition by SBB. 

New Timetabling Software for Swiss Railway

Netcetera, together with Ergon and NOSE, is developing the "NeTS" software system for the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB). SBB will use the system to plan its nationwide passenger and freight traffic from 2010 onwards. The pilot phase of one of the largest Eclipse RCP projects in Switzerland will run until June 2008. NeTS represents a highly successful collaboration between all the parties.

In-house public transport ticketing

On behalf of F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG we developed the public transport ticket system "Roche Mobility". The solution is free of charge for their employees and replaces the company's own bus service. Employees can now obtain a digital public transport ticket on their intranet in the Mobility Web Shop.

Cross-border tickets with TNW Tickets App

Thanks to Wemlin Tickets for TNW: simply buy an international ticket with the app on your smartphone. The TNW Tickets App for BLT developed by us now offers joint tickets between Regio Verkehrsverbund Lörrach (RVL) and Tarifverbund Nordwestschweiz (TNW).