Pension digital

Netcetera launches all-round carefree solution for pension funds

The software company Netcetera enters another area of the fintech market and launches a product for pension funds. With P40, pension funds succeed in transforming into a future-proof digital administration. As one of the few, large software providers with 25 years of experience, it takes this area to the next level of digitalization. With this, Netcetera closes the circle and now offers a comprehensive digital offering of asset management, real estate valuation, digital banking and now also for pensions.

At the 2nd pillar trade fair at the end of September, Switzerland's largest pension fund event, a jolt goes through the industry: Netcetera, the international software company with a 25-year track record in the Swiss fintech industry, enters the pension business. It is launching a completely digital administration system that covers the entire business processes of pension funds, including digital channels to insured persons and employers. With success, because the first customers are to be activated on the SaaS model platform as early as 2022.

Fabio Kornek, Director Financial Technology at Netcetera, says: "We met with great interest with P40 at the 2nd pillar trade fair and the two days were completely booked with demo appointments. This shows us that the demand for a digital pension administration solution is high and we are looking forward to implementing it with the first customers in the coming months."

Financial service providers and Netcetera: a 25-year success story

Netcetera combines substantial industry knowledge with excellent technology expertise. The company incorporates the high requirements for security, compliance, and stability in the financial industry. Thus, a majority of Swiss financial institutions also rely on its solutions and offer their customers solutions in mobile banking and payment from Netcetera.

"For 25 years, we have been driving digitalization in the areas of asset management and digital banking. Now the time is ripe for us to apply this experience and expertise to the evolution of the pension industry. P40 is the essence of this and the solution for the digitalization, security and efficiency of pension fund business processes," says Martin Meier, Managing Director Financial Technology at Netcetera.

With solutions for digital asset management, digital and mobile banking, and secure digital payment, Netcetera's pension platform P40 completes its comprehensive and proven offering for the sustainable success of its customers.

The team: Mike Franz, Marc Schulz, Fabio Kornek and Martin Meier (from left).
The team: Mike Franz, Marc Schulz, Fabio Kornek and Martin Meier (from left).
Full house at the demo of the new solution
Full house at the demo of the new solution

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