Partnership with start-up Awina for digital family support

Netcetera is the digital partner of the start-up company Awina. Their innovative solution supports families in financing day care places. This partnership focuses on family friendliness through good conditions, digitally implemented, and thus hits the pulse of the times.

"Awina" is the name of the new platform for the financial support of families. The start-up company Awina, with Netcetera as its digital partner, developed the solution that facilitates the financing of kids day care places. Awina enables families to spread the high day care costs over a longer period of time, thus promoting the compatibility of family and career and equal opportunities for children.

Netcetera development and implemented this platform for digital lending very successfully thanks to the close cooperation with Awina and a lot of agility. This platform allows the entire process to be handled digitally, from cost planning to application, signing of contracts and payments. According to Awina, digitalization is the key to the favorable conditions. The fact that everything takes place online and there are no physical interfaces such as paper offers or contracts promotes efficiency and reduces costs – saving the family budget of the customers through beneficial conditions.

Corporate culture Netcetera: Family-friendly and flexible

In many respects, this platform has its finger on the pulse of the times. Awina stands for family friendliness and family support. For Netcetera this is an opportunity to communicate its corporate culture to the outside world. "Netcetera is a very family-friendly company that supports the mothers and fathers among our employees in various ways. To be involved in a project that also benefits families outside Netcetera is very much in our spirit" says Cla Monsch, Co-Head of Engineering and Project Manager Awina Platform at Netcetera.

The partnership with the start-up shows Netcetera's diversity – it creates digital added value in projects for large companies as well as in start-up projects. Thomas Russenberger, CEO at Awina, is pleased: "We are happy to have a strong and established partner at our side, who facilitated such a flexible and agile cooperation. This simplifies the joint development of this new idea".

How Awina works

At interested families can learn about the entire process, carry out a credit check and register. Registration, credit application, conclusion of contract and payments – everything can be done digitally via this one platform. Thanks to this completely digital implementation of the project, Awina is able to offer its customers the product at favorable conditions.


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