One of the first worldwide: Our ACS with Mastercard 2.2 certification!

Hip, hip, hooray! We received the Mastercard ACS EMV® 3DS Letter of Approval for 3DS 2.2. This is an important step towards rolling out the latest protocol version to the industry and it enables the full use of PSD2 exemptions – finally allowing to improve the convenience for consumers and the security for card issuers and merchants at the same time.

We are among only five Access Control Server (ACS) providers worldwide to successfully finish the 3-D Secure 2.2 compliance testing with Mastercard. With this Letter of Compliance, the Netcetera ACS is ready to secure online credit card transactions according to the latest 3DS 2.2 protocol and the Mastercard Identity Check program rules. Following our successful 2.2 compliance with Visa in August 2020, customers now also do not have to do any certification to process Mastercard transactions according this latest standard. Issuers and banks can easily integrate with the Netcetera 3-D Secure Issuer Service to apply strong customer authentication according regulation, offer a seamless cardholder experience and generate a larger number of successful transactions.

Learn more about Netcetera’s 3-D Secure product for Issuers here


EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC.

Talk to our expert

Martina Forster

Senior Product Manager Secure Digital Payments

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