Netcetera Innovation Summit 2019

Insights into digital payment from our experts

At this year's Netcetera Innovation Summit the payment experts from the German-speaking countries met again to exchange, network and inform about current projects. The annual event, initiated by Michael Seifert, Managing Director Netcetera Germany since 2006, could record an increase in participants again and establishes itself as an annual fixed event around the latest information from the fast growing field of digital payment.

Michael Seifert, who presented the rapid growth of the German unit and its location positioning, and our CEO Andrej Vckovski on the subject of Netcetera - Next Level, introduced the event. The exciting keynote speech by Christoph Brunmayr, Founder of The Tale Studio, on "Facebook Libra, Amazon Prime Banking & Co: Opportunities in the Age of New Platform Economies" was followed by an intensive exchange on current topics and projects.

Darius Metzner, Visa, informed about the Next Generation of 3D-Secure and Christian Waldvogel, Netcetera, clearly showed the development of SCA. Pierre Jauffret, Wirecard presented the far-reaching possibilities of tokenization and its influence on payment transactions. Robert Herzig, Metro AG, provided an insight into the future of shopping with the help of self scanning and self check out. Our payment experts Kurt Schmid and Stefan Penner presented the perspectives for card issuers and merchants and Thomas Fromherz the current developments around SRC. Finally, Benno Häfliger immersed us in the world of Augmented Reality, which clearly showed in which areas AR has already found its way into everyday life and how AR can also be of great use in retail.


Talk to the experts

Michael Seifert

Managing Director Netcetera GmbH

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