Cooperating with the WORLDWEBFORUM

Strategic partner for Augmented Reality

We are a partner of the WORLDWEBFORUM. This business conference brings together C-level executives, pioneers and visionaries from all over the world to discuss chances and risks of digitization. We are helping to design the program of the WORLDWEBFORUM: we exclusively presents the vertical augmented reality (AR) and will also be on site as a speaker.

As a partner of the WORLDWEBFORUM, Netcetera introduces the new hot topic — augmented reality. AR is more than just video games: Netcetera shows visitors the potential of AR for business applications and new associated business models, and why AR will impact nearly every industry. In the words of Andrej Vckovski, Netcetera's CEO: “Augmented reality is going to be as big as the smartphone. Stay ahead of the curve. Because the question isn't if augmented reality will catch on, but rather when.”

As focus topics of the vertical AR, Netcetera presents how AR supports technicians with instructions, which new horizons it opens up in the field of medicine, and how it shapes education and training into something impressive and interactive. Among others, Bob Summer, Associate Director & Principal Research Scientist at Disney Research, and Martin Splitt, Head of Engineering at Archilogic, were brought on board as speakers by Netcetera.

AR to boost business

Netcetera has already implemented various AR projects and is doing continuous research on applications relevant for business. At the Inselspital University Hospital of Bern, Netcetera is testing new HoloLens applications in the field of neurosurgery, such as visualizing the results of an examination (for instance, a CT scan) and planning the appropriate surgical procedure. The project for the company Bühler showcases exactly how AR can unlock new potential in vocational training: Using HoloLens glasses and without leaving the classroom, students can view the company's grinding machines on-site in 3D and in actual size, and even open and disassemble them to better understand what they do and how they work. Applications in the fields of maintenance and training have already been successfully tested together with SBB, the Swiss national railway company.

Fabian Hedinger, founder and CEO of the WORLDWEBFORUM: “We are proud to have Netcetera on board as a strategic partner for the AR vertical. Netcetera is a software company that contributes a wealth of experience from business-relevant AR projects.”

WORLDWEBFORUM 2018 announces „End of Nation“

The WORLDWEBFORUM is the leading business conference in Switzerland for digital transformation and thought leadership takes place on 18 and 19 January 2018. High-caliber entrepreneurs and investors from Silicon Valley and around the world, as well as Federal Councilor Johann Schneider-Ammann, will perform at the WORLDWEBFORUM in front of more than 1,500 visitors. The theme of the conference is "End of Nation - the end of the nation".

The focus of the annual conference, is in exchange with digital champions from Silicon Valley and around the world.

On the second day of the event, industry-specific problems for digital transformation in verticals will be discussed. These are dedicated to topics such as Finance/Blockchain, Food Chain, Retail, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, Digitimmo, Future of Work, Responsive City, Tourism and Cloud.

6th WORLDWEBFORUM: 18 and 19 January 2018, Stage One, Elias-Canetti-Strasse 146, 8050 Zurich. Tickets are still available.

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