Discovering extended reality

User interactions in augmented, mixed & virtual reality

User interaction in an extra dimension, e.g. manipulating objects and moving around in a 3D environment, has become possible thanks to extended reality. In the article by our expert Hugo Schotman you learn what can be done with augmented, mixed and virtual reality. It gives a comprehensive overview of applications and tools and dares a glance into the future.

The full-size model of a ship with a historic representation of what that type of ship looked like many years ago at the Museum of Transport in Lucerne. The overlay is created live, visible to the person wearing the HoloLens.
The full-size model of a ship with a historic representation of what that type of ship looked like many years ago at the Museum of Transport in Lucerne. The overlay is created live, visible to the person wearing the HoloLens.
It’s easy to watch immersive videos (360º or 180º) with the daily news site and the apps for VR content we helped to develop.
It’s easy to watch immersive videos (360º or 180º) with the daily news site and the apps for VR content we helped to develop.

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