Authentication requirements and application of PSD2 in e-Commerce

Presentation of our payment experts Dr. Thomas Fromherz und Ronnie Brunner

The challenge of authenticating customers in e-commerce by way of multi-factor authentication, a requirement of the payment services directive PSD2, consists of implementing these requirements in the most user-friendly way possible, in order to avoid creating barriers to online commerce.

In their presentation at the 27th SmartCard Workshop in Darmstadt (Germany), our payment experts, Dr Thomas Fromherz and Ronnie Brunner discussed the core challenges of the regulatory technical standards by means of the chosen technology. We meet these challenges on behalf of the Sparkasse and the Deutsche Kreditbank by employing the S-ID-Check-App for the Sparkasse, and the DKB-Card-Secure-App. These apps are based on Transakt technology from Entersekt.

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