Challenges in the payment industry

Presentation by Netcetera expert Reto Gross

The honor of the opening speech at Swiss Payment Forum 2016 went to Reto Gross, our Director Payment & Card Services. He critically and holistically appraised current and future developments in the payment area. In these uncertain but exciting times, the industry faces several challenges. Can challenges be innovation drivers? Reto Gross analyses what the impacts to the innovation plans of the market participants are and who can contribute in what way to give the right impulses.

The Reto Gross‘ presentation is backed by extensive experience: as notable market actor we supply the payment industry with mature, highly functional and secure solutions. Additionally, we bring in our conceptual consulting expertise early in the value chain, so that the entire industry can develop sustainably and successfully – to the benefit of the consumers, the merchants and hence also the issuers of payment means.


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