Balancing between security and customer experience

Reliable, secure & up-to-date ACS solution with the latest international payment standards


Growth in online sales is matched by e-commerce fraud

When researching the most relevant factors that drive the payment industry, two things prove to be  decisive and bring progress in digital payments:

  1. customers are the main drivers of progress and
  2.  ensuring happy customers is one of the biggest challenges in today’s payments sector.

Providing a great experience is one of the factors that promises trust and confidence with your customers, making sure they will keep coming back to you and stay loyal. So, it is logical that the customer journey should be at top level. One need to be highly adaptable to market trends and customer’s needs, and to create excellence in our own platforms to enable the customer to feel safe and secure.

The wider public often doesn’t know what is happening behind the scenes in payment. This isn’t the concern of cardholders, rather that of payment service providers. However, how to find the best anti-fraud  solution in this overcrowded market? One of the most important solutions you can acquire to support the online payment industry standards is an Access Control Server (ACS).

Banks and card issuers need to authenticate cardholders using multi-factor authentication and they need to find the perfect solution that enables simple way to secure transactions.

Things to remember when looking for an ACS

  1. The ACS improves security and promotes seamless transaction authentication worldwide.
  2. The ACS provides the possibility for low-risk transactions to be completed without disrupting the customer checkout flow and thereby lowering conversion rates
  3. When used as SaaS, the ACS is to improve your efficiency, and to save you time, effort and money.
  4. The ACS SaaS must be certified by the card networks and to be compliant with PCI-DSS, PCI-3DS,  EMVCo guidelines, and the European Payment Services Directive (PSD2), so the customers can get all the benefits of the SaaS applications
  5.  The ACS must have high availability, so no revenue is lost

Make the right choice, choosing only the cheapest option will make you pay twice.

Tips on what to look for in the perfect ACS solution

  1. Look for availability and reliability – find the right partner. Ideally your provider should be an expert in the field. When choosing crucial solutions that support your core business; taking risks is not in trend – not now, nor ever.
  2. Look for references – visit web sites, read stories, ask for recommendations
  3.  Check it uses seamless/simple authentication flows to minimize abandonment rates
  4.  A big plus is having  a risk assessment tool to minimize fraud and to maximize the conversion rate
  5. Talk to experts
  6. Make sure it is up to date and tested

Five reasons to choose Netcetera’s ACS:

  1. First worldwide certified with the EMV® 3-D Secure 2.3.1 Protocol
  2. Flexibility according to your needs and the market mindset, including cardholder preferences
  3. Strong Customer Authentication
    • Multiple authentication methods supported (Out of Band (OOB) combined with biometry or PIN and One-time Passcode (OTP) combined with an answer to a security question)
    • Authentication even without interaction (One interface to connect to multiple schemes with unified flows)
  4. 24/7 support and fast time to market – starting from 9 weeks. Easy migration of all data from the existing infrastructure to the new ACS without affecting daily processes
  5. Secure and always up to date with a dedicated team of experts to lead you through all phases of integration, implementation and onboarding.

What do our customers have to say about our solution?

Netcetera – a trusted ACS partner

“I am very pleased to welcome Netcetera as our ACS+RBA provider. Netcetera’s product guarantees payment security and has added a highly effective card-not-present authentication solution to our offer.” - EML’s Group Fraud Manager, Patrick O’Shaughnessy

Check who else uses our solution and why Netcetera is their preferred ACS provider.

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