New Mastercard 3DS testing platform for issuers is now LIVE!

Netcetera to enable outstanding and secure customer experience


The new testing platform that the payment expert Netcetera built with Mastercard, will help issuers test end-to-end app-based authentication flow. Register.Check.Improve. is the new call to action for issuers.

Today, Netcetera announced the launch of a new issuing 3DS app channel validation platform, where issuers can register and use Netcetera's acquiring services to initiate application-based 3DS transactions and address any problems before operating in a live environment. This will enable issuers to leverage the benefits of EMV® 3DS, and to improve the app payment flow.

The reliability and safety associated with the existing merchant testing platform launched in August 2020 have led to the continuation of an existing partnership with Mastercard for the development of this new 3DS testing platform for issuers.

“We encourage issuers to use this new platform to be able to best meet increased customer demand for fast and easy, yet secure payment services. Thanks to this platform, they will be able to decrease errors in online transaction processing, provide best-in-class services and create a better experience for their cardholders.” said Julia Faesser, VP Identity Solutions at Mastercard Europe.

The purpose was to develop an EMV 3DS simulator which responds to market needs and to improve the overall user experience in mobile payments.

The testing program runs on the Netcetera Demo Merchant (NDM) application integrated with the Netcetera 3DS SDK. The demo application provides a 3DS authentication checkout experience with all required payment details. Issuers can test different transaction cases in the live system, using their current infrastructure, with no additional configuration or updates required. Learn more about the look and feel of the testing platform for issuers at

“Netcetera’s collaboration with an important market player like Mastercard is a result of our efforts towards continuous development in eCommerce, by advancing the technologies and innovating solutions that should contribute in providing maximum security and the best online customer experience.” said Christopher Omloo, Head of Business Development and Partnerships at Netcetera. He added that this year, Netcetera marks 25 years of its existence, 25 years of dedicated work to become what is today - a premium solution provider in the digital payment industry.

Netcetera is constantly working on improvements, in order to provide customers with the best solutions for their business growth. As a result, there will be updates on the performance and features of the existing Merchant testing platform in the very near future, as well.


EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC

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