Winners: Viseca one and Inspect AR apps

Best of Swiss Apps Awards 2019

At the Best of Swiss Apps Awards ceremony in Zurich on 7 November, the apps we developed won four prizes.

This year, the Viseca one App won Silver in the category Design and Bronze in the categories Functionality and Business Impact. At the Best of Swiss App Awards in 2016, we already won Silver in Functionality and Bronze in Business for the first version of this app. This app is one of the first independent solutions for contactless mobile payment in Switzerland. It offers card issuers the opportunity to supplement their own apps with a globally standardized and certified mobile payment module. Thanks to the support of biometrics, their customers pay easily, quickly and securely with their smartphones. The solution is based on Netcetera's ToPay Cloud Payment product and is just as convenient as the mobile payment offers of smartphone manufacturers.

Additionally, our Augmented Reality application InspectAR won Silver in the category Enterprise. Augment IT by Netcetera digitizes inspection processes. It enables inspection personell to work faster with less errors and traceable results. It saves training time and results in more flexibility in staff allocation.


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