"Due to the EU membership of many countries in the CEE/SEE region, issues relating to the introduction and conformity with the PSD2 directive are key drivers for our customers. Together we are leading the further development in the area of e-commerce transactions in order to enable an end2end security that is equivalent to a card presence transaction." Martin Zeisel, Head of Sales Digital Finance for CEE/SEE at Netcetera, provides insights into the peculiarities of this region.

What peculiarities would you mention for the CEE and SEE region from Netcetera's point of view?

If we look at the countries served by Netcetera in the CEE/SEE region, this includes CZ, SK, AT, PL, RO, BG, GR, CY, the entire Balkans, Albania, Italy and Israel. This year the market entry for Spain and Portugal is being prepared.

Therefore, this region is very diverse in the context of the requirements and specifics of local conditions, such as regulations (partly EU-compliant, partly subject to payment solutions of their own national guidelines).

I am really pleased that we have succeeded in fully mapping this range of requirements from regulations, certifications and technical solutions with our digital security and payment solutions. This enables us to guarantee our customers the best possible flexibility and compliance for their business activities in the respective ecosystem.

For this reason, we have also succeeded in acquiring customers who, in turn, are a key to our growth and the further development of our high-quality solutions for this region due to their market position and their role as aggregators. 

What topics are you most concerned with in the region right now?

Due to the fact that many countries in this region belong to the EU, topics concerning the introduction and conformity with the PSD2 directive have been and still are important drivers in the support of our customers and interested parties.

Against this background, we see more and more that solutions such as our eCom Risk Advisor platform are generating a strong response and interest. This solution enables PSPs and banks in the role of acquirers to provide comprehensive control options to assess e-commerce transactions from a risk perspective in accordance with PSD2 and other international regulations.

On the other hand, we are in the process of developing the retail/trade sector with our eCom Token Connector platform. This means that we are able to provide end2end security for e-commerce transactions that is equivalent to a card presence transaction. In this area, too, we see growing interest, increased awareness and demand for offering complete solutions together with PSPs.   

We fell very positive that we can further expand our position in these areas together with our customers.

What is your role at Netcetera?

I joined the Netcetera family at the end of 2017, when Netcetera acquired NEXPERTS, and am responsible for the regional sales of our digital payment solutions as Head of Sales Digital Finance for CEE/SEE. During my long career, I specialized in mobile payment and security solutions and held various management positions in sales, consulting and program management in international financial services companies.

Martin Zeisel

Principal Consultant Payment and Identity

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