Netcetera ACS is EMVCo and Visa approved

At the forefront with 3-D Secure 2.0

Our Netcetera ACS has now also been approved by EMVCo. In addition, we have successfully passed the Visa 3-D Secure Vendor Compliance test program.

The new 3-D Secure protocol 3DS 2.0, also known as EMV® 3DS, addresses the challenge of increasing security requirements and higher expectations regarding user-friendliness. Cardholders no longer have to remember passwords and can smoothly confirm payments from a mobile app - be it when shopping in a web shop or an app.

With the Letter of Approval from EMVCo, our Netcetera Access Control Server (ACS) is ready to securing online credit card transactions according to the new 3DS 2.0 protocol. First banks and issuers have already started the integration with the Netcetera 3-D Secure Issuer Service, which is based on the Netcetera ACS and operated and hosted by us. They will now be able to go into production shortly.

The Netcetera ACS is of course also certified for the 3DS 1.0 protocol: We passed the required Visa 3DS compliance test program with our Netcetera ACS and received the Letter of Compliance.


As an EMVCo Technical Associate, we address new trends in payment transactions early on and keep our services and products up to date. In September 2018, the Netcetera 3DS server was also approved by EMVCo.

EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC.

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