Best of Swiss Web: Gold & Bronze for Netcetera

Happy Customers ewz and Forchbahn

At the Best of Swiss Web award ceremony on 21 March 2013, ESISplus, Netcetera’s event and fault management system for the power distribution grid of Zürich’s energy company ewz won gold for its outstanding technology. The excursion iPhone App for mobile people, "Forchbahn - 30 Ausflüge mit der Frieda (30 trips with Frieda)", got a bronze award in public affairs. We are very proud that our quality work convinces juries and helps our customers to really succeed in business.

Technology Gold Award for ESISplus

In cooperation with Zürich’s energy company ewz, Netcetera developed the new ESISplus event and fault management system for the power distribution grid. It went live at the end of 2012 and incorporates automated processes to help operators in the control center monitor and manage events. Ease of use and functionality of the software had the highest priority in the development. Data from ewz’s peripheral systems is specifically combined in ESISplus to make it easier for operating staff to quickly and correctly decide on the necessary actions. The processes for handling events are defined uniformly and transparent. This allows impairments to the power grid to be corrected effectively and securely. In addition, the system supports immediate, reliable communications over several channels. The open, future-oriented IT architecture enables high system performance, adaptability and reliability.

Netcetera’s awarded ESISplus software already passed the first endurance test very well on 12 March 2013, when Zürich’s booming west quarter with ten thousands of people and businesses suffered a blackout due to construction work. As Dr. Lukas Küng, Deputy Director, Power Grid Distribution ewz put it: “At yesterday’s major disruption, ESISplus helped me a lot to retain an overview of the information jungle. Compared with our former system, I now could really concentrate on my job to inform our customers and the media very fast and reliably as the needed internal information gathering was easier and much quicker with ESISplus.”

Bronze for iApp Forchbahn in Public Affairs

To mark the 100th anniversary of Forchbahn and fitting into the communication campaign, Netcetera developed the excursion iPhone app "Forchbahn - 30 Ausflüge mit der Frieda (30 trips with Frieda)" for walkers, bikers, culture and nature lovers. Developing mobile applications and optimizing websites for mobile use are Netcetera’s daily business for years now. The Best of Swiss Web Award for this app is yet a further proof of Netcetera’s capabilities in mobile technologies.


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