Netcetera Digital Document Processing (DDP) extracts structured information from documents and leverages the automation of business processes and the digitalization of enterprises.
By using Machine Learning, it extracts and organizes relevant information from complex content in any document format and structures it for further processing. Netcetera DDP not only helps you obtain information from unstructured documents but also connects to other systems in your company environment.
Digital Document Processing is suited for mid to large companies across all industries that want to transform their business into a data-driven and customer-centric digital ecosystem. The extraction of data and its creation in a processable form enables the improvement of products and services which leads to a new, more digitalized business model.
Netcetera DDP is a cornerstone for operational transformation and automation and a foundation for better existing and new innovative products and services. An ideal solution not only for banks and insurance companies but for all companies that want to take their business to the next digitalized level.