Flexible banking platforms

IFZ Study Findings on the Future of Core Banking Systems

A future-oriented mindset and a focus on realizing a flexible banking platform are key success factors for the future of core banking systems. These are findings from IFZ's study on the "Future of Core Banking Systems" with the most important insights and outlooks of experts from the Swiss market and Netcetera.

This study from IFZ , the Center of Excellence for Finance at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, analyzes the current state and future prospects of core banking systems. It examines how technological advances and strategic challenges are impacting banks in the areas of digitalization and new business models. The evolving role of IT in banks and potentially required system changes are also highlighted.

The core banking study answers the following questions, among others:

  • The most important needs of banks with regard to core banking systems in 3-5 years' time
  • Requirements criteria for a core banking system
  • Reasons and requirements for a change of the core banking system

Banking platforms of the future must be able to respond to increasing agility in business with rapid implementations of changes in complex and integrated ecosystems. This requires openness, modularity and capability for integration.

Martin Meier

Co-Managing Director Digital Banking

Findings on the future of core banking systems

There were three main findings from the study on the current situation, system change and future requirements. First, there continues to be a high level of trust in core banking system providers. Second, 30% of banks will probably still be working with the current core banking system in ten years' time, and third, openness, flexibility and modern architecture are the most important requirements of the future.

Study director Felix Buschor and our digital banking expert Martin Meier in an interview:


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